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Plant Therapy

Plant Therapy Lemongrass Essential Oil 10ml 柠檬草单方精油 10ml

Regular price
RM 59.00
Sale price
RM 59.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Fine Ingredients | Aug's Diary
Fine Ingredients
DHL RM 7/kg (W.M only) | Aug's Diary
DHL RM 7/kg (W.M only)
Delivery: 3 days after payment confirmation | Aug's Diary
Delivery: 3 days after payment confirmation

Lemongrass is known as being a helpful addition to outdoor sprays. It is refreshing and deodorizing when diffused, as well as being uplifting to the spirit. It can also be added, well-diluted, to a carrier oil to boost circulation, bringing warmth to overused muscles and joints.

P/s: The aroma is exactly same as real lemongrass (serai), 100% pure essential oil.

柠檬草就是我们马来西亚人熟知的Serai 香茅。泰国Tom Yum 都会看到香茅的踪影。生姜香茅茶应该也不陌生,泰式按摩后服务员奉上一杯暖暖身体。

柠檬草/香茅 一般使用在东南亚料理中,微甜带点柠檬清新香气,给南洋菜肴更添一番风味。


P/s: 纯植物萃取,其香味与真正香茅一致,不是化学合成精油。

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【精油功效和好处】柠檬草(香茅) Lemongrass Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

Product Details

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon flexuosus

Country of Origin: India

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Plant Part: Leaves

Strength of Aroma: Strong

Aromatic Scent: Fresh-oily, lemony, tea-like scent

Lemongrass Oil Benefits:

  • Ease Headache and Migraine
  • Relax Muscle Pain
  • Fight Flu and Cold
  • Promote Hair Growth
  • Reduce Dandruff
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Repel Bugs and Mosquito


Lemongrass contains citral, a powerful skin sensitizer, so it is very important to use Lemongrass in proper dilution. In proper dilution, it is wonderful for the aches and pains associated with aging. Try 2 drops of Lemongrass in two teaspoons (10 ml) of carrier oil along with 2 drops of Lavender or Marjoram for a soothing muscle rub.


  • 10ml 基底油 + 2滴柠檬草 + 2 迷迭香 + 2 薰衣草。摇混匀后按摩肌肉酸疼处,可以减轻疼痛,促进血液循环。


  • 10ml 基底油 + 2滴柠檬草 + 2 罗勒 + 2滴茴香。摇匀后涂抹于腹部按摩,可以开胃,治疗消化不良


  • 20ml酒精 + 30ml蒸馏水+ 10滴柠檬草精油 +10滴薰衣草精油,喷在身体可驱赶蚊子昆虫。皮肤长期接触酒精会使皮肤干燥,薰衣草精油互补功效,滋润皮肤。注使用后请远离火源。


  • 100ml 蒸馏水 + 3滴柠檬香茅 + 3滴薄荷 + 3滴肉桂。摇匀后喷洒在空气中。这配方也可以用于驱赶蚊虫。

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